Materi mapel Bahasa Inggris ini sudah dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary serta Taks yang bisa dikerjakan dengan mudah meskipun di rumah. Semoga materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang Les Guru Abata bagikan ini bisa bermanfaat bagi guru dan siswa yang membutuhkan referensi tambahan untuk melaksanakan belajar di rumah.

Why Should You Save Paper?
Paper is producing used a machine which require large energy. The paper materials are trees and water,the tree used is 5 years old. Budi was writing a work from the teacher and using a lot of paper, he threw away every paper althought he only write a few words.
When we save paper we also save on energy use and take care of the earth, by using paper that is still empty, meticolous when writing, and use sufficiently.
1. Save waterOptimally utilize water Make sure the faucet is closed after use.
2. Save water
3. Use a washing machine when enough dirty clothes.
If there are lots of clothes,just use 3 buckets
1. To soak and soap
2. To clean
3. To rinse
4. Take a shower by saving water Try to take a shower with a shower and not soak
When brushing your teeth, washing your face. Make sure the faucet is closed
Better to wash the car using a cloth and bucket.
Answer the following question!1. How many ways to save water?
Answer: Five
2. When the bucket is full of water, we must ....
Answer: Optimally utilize water
3. Mention the use of 3 buckets when washing
Answer: For soak dan soap,For clean, For rinse
4. When we are brushing our teeth, we must ....
Answer: Close the faucet
5. We have to wash the car with .... to save water usage.
Answer: Cloth and bucket
- Utilization: Manfaat
- Should: Harus
- Save: Menghemat
- Paper: Kertas
- Produced: Dihasilkan
- Use: Menggunakan
- Produce: Menghasilkan
- Large: Besar
- Making: Dibuat
- Trees: Pohon
- Lot: Banyak
- Threw: Membuang
- Away: Jauh
- Every: Setiap
- Only: Hanya
- Few: Sedikit
- Earth: Bumi
- Still: Masih
- Empty: Kosong
- Usability: Kegunaan
- Meticolous: Teliti
- Need: Membutuhkan
- Optimally: Optimal
- Utilize: Memanfaatkan
- Faucet: Kran
- Washing: Cuci
- Machine: Mesin
- Enough: Cukup
- Dirty: Kotor
- If: Jika
- Buckets: Ember
- Soak: Merendam
- Soap: Sabun
- Rinse: Bilasan
- Teeth: Gigi
- Better: Lebih baik
- Run out: Habis
- Light: Lampu
- Faucet: Kran
- Take a bath: Mandi
- Sufficiently: Secukupnyaalert-success
Mother: “Lani, we have to save energy”
Lani: “Can energy run out?”
Mother: “Of course, we must always save energy”
Lani: “What are the examples of save energy?”
Mother: “Going to school on a bicycle or walk.”
Lani: “What are the examples of saving electricity?”
Mother: “Turn off the lights and turn off the television when not used”
Lani: “Oh I see”
Mother: “We also saving the water”
Lani: “What is the example?”
Mother: “Turn off the tap has been used.”
Lani: “Oh I see, from now I will save energy”
1. What is the material of paper?Answer: Wood and Water
2. How old the tree used for making paper?
Answer: 5 years old
3. How to save paper?
Answer: Writing carefully and using as needed.
4. “Save energy” in Indonesian language is ....
Answer: Menghemat energi
Demikian yang bisa Les Guruabata sampaikan tentang materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan topik Energy Utilization ini. Meskipun sangat sederhana, semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi Bapak / Ibu Guru atau siswa / siswi SD/MI Kelas 4 semua. Terimakasih.
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